Wednesday, February 16, 2011

On the Wagon

February is a funny little month - a bridge between January and March, a month with lovely holidays. And it reminds me of my dad who, when he was a drinking man, always went "on the wagon" (a saying that goes back to prohibition days) during February because it was the shortest month.

February is a quiet and complacent month. My hearing aides are working well, and my amplifier on my work phone is installed and doing its job. I have made some decisions that have released me from the anxiety of indecision and I am enjoying the challenges of my work.

I read that Brian Jacques, the author of the Redwall series, died on February 5 this year. I loved reading those books outloud with my son and was interested to learn more about his life. Of his many different jobs, it was his work as a milk man that led him to writing. His route included the Royal School for the Blind where he would often stop for tea (like Postman Pat) and read to the children. He found the children's books lacking and decided to write his own stories for them, which became Redwall. It is a satisfying story about being open to the possibilities and living a nonlinear life.

I have been mostly "on the wagon" for over a year so I don't look to February for that. I do appreciate the stepping stone to spring and the pink camellias and our mostly mild weather. Even with the gray skies and rain, I am grateful not to be buried in snow. And although I tend to be a linear person, I am playing with being open to possibilities.

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